Banner 16

(1st November 2008 - 30th November 2008)

One winner of the banner competition, celebrating 45 years of Doctor Who. This one was made by Lee Dawson. Below you can read about it, written exclusively for the site by Lee!

When I first saw the rules saying you must include some sort of 45 year theme to the banner I was like Oh god how am I gunna do this. So I searched the internet and found a picture of all 10 Doctors. So I imported them and rubbed away all the backgrounds ready to place onto the banner. So I had an empty banner with 10 heads bobbing up at the bottom. I needed a background. So I thought of a Doctor Who episode with a nice visual theme and I grabbed one from The Runaway Bride. Next was the slogan(s) So after a while of thinking I produced some catchy lines. All that was then needed were some finishing touches likes bevels and glows and repositioning and I was done. I was very happy with my finished product and was even more happy when I won!

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